Saturday, December 03, 2005

who are we talkin about???

wahahaha....pretty neat line you can use to confuse somebody mid-way thru a conversation
anyway...this quote is taken from Chicken Little the movie....
Yup, i went to catch the show with Cynthia...sorry about the changing the timing again and again..
sound like ya rather pissed...
Well, i promise i'll TRY not to do that again okay?

Well...wat happen over this week.... lunch kaki cum advice dispenser cum teabreak kaki cum good bro, Mr JL, flew off to US
hope i can save enough to go visit ya next year....hahahaha
yesterday...think gonna be missing him ba (sound kinda gayish hor) wahahahaha...
went to send him off at changi airport, along with KKK, his folks and a couple of his uni friends...
no mushy moment noted...wahahahaha
JL's mum is so friendly and funny....
Well...the next time he'll be back is probably 6 mth later ba...
In case you are reading this, JL, remember my iTune prepaid card okay????
send it to me pls pls pls pls....

What a hectic day....two games back to back...
and i have to come home with cramping legs
Like Cynthia said...that's the "dai jia" of winning....
hahaha...wasn't counting on getting cramps...hope it won't affect the next day game tomorrow...
so would you be interested to come see me play?? Luv.... ya not heading to M'sia le right?
hahahaha...should i even be saying this here? wahahaha
if you think i shouldn't, let me know k?

Till tomorrow ba....
tired....superly tired...
the only happy thing worth mentioning? this new topping from pizza hut is nice...
"chicken and shroom" give it a try if you got the chance!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yah yah. take time for me to get the US credit card ready. so u gotta wait man...........