Friday, September 01, 2006

Thank you...

I would like to thank you...
Yes, you!!!
for your support...
amidst what other people had said about me...
thank you for see all my good points and accepting all my bad ones too...
And whatever dumb comments other stupid people makes...
I know i will still have you!

Monday, August 28, 2006

Pluto no more...

So how many planets are there in the Solar System?
Do i hear a "Nine?" Well, wrong answer!!!
Haven't you heard the news already?
The last planet, Pluto, had been "downgraded" to a drawf more a regular planet anymore....'s a picture of Pluto...

Courtesy of

Or do you prefer this Pluto??? Wahahahahah...

Courtesy of
Well, no worries for this doggy...he's still gonna remain Mickey Mouse's favourite pet dog...

Okay, back to the planet... This piece of shocking news came out a few days ago... which i feel kinda rocked everything that we know about the stars and beyond... Just because Pluto is not "round" as compared to the other planets and it doesn't travel in it's own orbit or does it not clear it's own path in orbit... The gurus decided that after 70 years of believing that there are 9 planets in the Solar System, they are gonna just take 1 of them away...
Will this sort of decision cause any kind of catastrophic backlash?
I grew up as a kid who was very very interested in the stars... hearing all this... kinda make me realise that sentence is so so so true...
"The only thing that doesn't change is Change itself!"
So, will they in another 20 years decided that they made a mistake and "upgrade" Pluto back to "planet" status again??? I don't know...i hope i do live long enough to see if that ever happens...

Well, i do hope he (below) doesn't mind all this kind of nonsense...
Afterall, the God of Death is not someone to be rifle with...

Courtesy of

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Special Public Announcement

Lelong lelong,
looking for new stuff??
Looking for something unique??
Please drop by this blog and you might actually find something you like.
C'mon, give yourself a chance and who knows, you might happily "walk" away with a new toy!!

Click here

Thanks for your support!!!

And the countdown begins...

Yes yes...i'm back for another blog post...
It's countdown time to a fabulous oversea trip again...
i'm happy yet unhappy at the same time...
Happy, because all my loved ones are on this oversea trip with me!!!
Unhappy, because of this trip, i gonna miss my first outing with all the brothers from my night class to Genting Highlands.
Well, in life, you win some, you lose some... Can't have everything the way you want it.

So what have i been doing???
Hmm... according to my calendar...
I have played 4 games this whole week... 3 for my Chong Ghee Sport Club in the Chong Pang Cup. 1 game for Chartered in the Inter-company Games...
(won all the games, of course)
And the weekend before, particpated in the New Balance Realrun at Sentosa.
A gruely 10km run across road, sand and trail...and my timing??? a lousy 1hr 25mins
I had never fared well in running... at least not in those long distance run, but like i always say, "It's the satisfaction you get from crossing the finishing line!"
To me, timing doesn't matter :P
And of course, all this in the company of my brother and my sweetest darling :)
Coming up this Saturday, i'm gonna give biathlon a try too... a 800 metre swim in open sea and 1.5 km run at East Coast!
Kinda worried, with all the recent news of people collapsing halfway through all this kind of events.
Imagine this, those who collapsed are people who had been consistantly training for this sort of events. And me, i just trying to push myself for it. Seriously
i hope nothing happen to me...
Hahahahaha... I'm sure i'm gonna be fine...
And yes, the small matter of clearing my yearly IPPT this tuesday... I hope i pass...

Well, it been a great week!!! and the next two weeks is gonna be even better!!!
Cheer and good night everybody!!