Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Workplace is becoming a Zoo....

Let me shout first....

Why the title?? Well, that how i see my workplace is becoming...
Like the management said... In order to streamline the work load of everybody...
so they propose a time study programme to look at how to help everybody achieve a more balanced working lifestyle.

In order to do that, everybody will have to fill in a daily table-table, highlighting what they have done throughout the whole day.

How hard could that be right???

Well, it gets hard when people tried to spoil the market...
How so you ask?

Well, someone started handing in timesheets breaking down to every 15mins details...
and this coming from a well-known slacker in the group...
Hahahaha...What a joke...
That person knows shit about what she's doing, and that coming out from her????
it only points to one thing lor...
Someone else is writing for her.....some big shot i guess.... or mountain?? LOL

Anyway... after getting my whole of last week's timesheets rejected...Thanks to the new benchmark.... set by some bitch...opps...
it fuel my urgency to GET OUT OF HERE...

and beside, like i told my boss...
"This time round no more chance to get promoted liao mah, write until so detailed for what?"

feel much better to vent all this shit out...

This is really making everyday harder and harder to get by....

Falling sick tomorrow....CONFIRM!!!

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