Wednesday, June 01, 2005

I hate HER!!!

Argh....going to have a nervous breakdown soon...
What is HER problem??? Why Must she have to be so KAN CHEONG about everything? If people want to delay giving us the lot, SO BE IT lah!!!! Why do you have to make a mountain out of a molehill??? Are you really so Free???
C'mon lah... Why don't you just sit down and relax a bit. Maybe you won't be having all this leg aching problems!!!

I just can't stand HER style of working... Yes, i know that we have to be responsible when it comes to work. But not like this!!!

I really hate it whenever i have to see Her at the start of the week!!!! And now it seems like i have to see Her throughout all her working days. Oh...F&#$!!!

Now i know why most people doesn't really like HER... not only does she make comments that is based on her own gathering... I finally understand why people always ask me to be careful of what i do... You might get shot in the back, if you are not careful!!!

ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH..... And seems like i have to bear with all this until next year, Jan, seriously can't see how i can do that.

School was disappointing....the new girl didn't turn up... maybe she's shy??? Wahahahahaha...
Great to see all the guys back in campus... Looks like we have to grind our teeth through this semester!!!!
6 xiao liao (kids, at least they look kiddy to me) join our class for this new module, Microcontroller...
What's worst?? The 6 newbie are all guys....WTF!!!!

As for the new lecturer, he's from his Thailand, as i suspected... Can't really get anything he's mumbling about. Luckily i had my bound notes with me... Looks like this module is easy enough... just know to understand the concept, and i think i will be fine...

Looking forward to today.... maybe the new girl will actually turn up... Just hope that she is what all the guys expects!!! If not?
It's gonna be another boring semseter....

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