Monday, April 25, 2005


Why are there pure boy or girl schools??? Where do they come from??? And people who actually see this article, were you from a one-gender only school or a mixed-gender one?

One of my colleague, JL, say it’s tradition…. what kind of tradition is that? Makes me wonder??? Who actually came up with this idea? And why? Anybody out there know the reason? Please enlighten me!!!! I wonder how does it feel like studying in a environment whereby everywhere you turn and see is the same sex (beside the female teachers, if you are in the all boy’s school), kinda boring right? Come to think of it, it’s pretty good too with all the competition, everybody trying to be Alpha Male.
Anyway turn out JL was from a boy secondary school, and he seems really fine with it!!! But who am I to pass judgment???

Sitting at MacDonald’s now…I can’t get the WIFI thingy to work…Damn!! Think I’m going to leave here soon.

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